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About Tokidoki.

'Tokidoki' means 'Sometimes' in Japanese,

the idea of "Sometimes cooking new things, Sometimes reminiscing about your last trip to Japan."

During the pandemic, I realized that despite any restrictions on travel to Japan, there was still a way to bring Japan closer to those who have a strong passion for it. I envisioned a startup that would offer Japanese cooking experiences, enabling people to explore and experience Japan’s rich culture and culinary heritage without leaving their own kitchens.

This is how Tokidoki was born.

I believe that by providing more opportunities for people to learn about Japanese taste, we can create warmth and lasting connections. This is my biggest passion for creating Tokidoki.

Hi, こんにちは

My name is Kaori

I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, immersed in a family strongly connected by Japanese cuisine.

My grandparents owned their own Japanese Obento shop, and my uncle is a Soba craftsman who also owned his Soba restaurant. As a child, I spent a lot of time in their kitchens, helping out and preparing food for my family.

While studying in Europe, I gained a newfound appreciation for my homeland through the perspectives of my Swiss friends. Inspired by this experience, I pursued tourism studies for both my bachelor's and master's degrees, with the goal of enhancing outbound and inbound tourism between Japan and Europe after my graduation in 2021.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw an opportunity to bridge cultures by creating Tokidoki. Through cooking classes and introducing Japanese cuisine to people, I aim to strengthen Japan-Switzerland relations and make Japan more accessible to all.

Image of Kaori
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